Saturday, June 7, 2008

Barack Obama for President

I am so glad that the primary season is over. I am so glad that Obama is the probable nominee. I am so glad that Senator Hillary Clinton gave such a rousing and emotional speech to endorse him.

Just about every Democrat, let alone much of America, respects both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Much of that respect has led to immense and loyal support of her candidacy for President of the United States of America. But much of it has led to real disillusionment -- disappointment -- with both of their legacies. I know I was at real risk of losing the goodwill built up through the 90s, despite the tumultuous impeachment and the sad result that we had taken our eyes of the ball of terrorism. I also know that had I not had a better choice, I would have supported Hillary Clinton in 2008. However, I wouldn't have been this involved.

I'm glad that Senator Clinton has come on board, because I can say her name with pride. One of the trickiest aspects of attracting so many first-time voters, the way we have this year, is that they don't get politics. We don't get it. It took Hillary facing down disappointed and disgruntled supporters to remind us all that we are all still Democrats. So I get it now. We are all on the same team. We always have been. I know that much of the noise about all the fighting words that the Clinton campaign used had to do with her attacking her own family. I know that, but when Obama says that he's a better candidate for having faced Hillary Clinton he's so right.

So thank you, Senator Clinton. Let's spread the word -- we're all one team. We seriously have to shut out the opponent. We have to win.

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